It's as diverse as the people who rely on it, but Waratah means something to everyone.
Waratah means something to each of our customers - from functional aspects such as security and productivity to a more personal connection like being able to worry less and spend more time enjoying life with their families.Waratah is not just an Australian company, we also employ Australians to manufacture our steel, wire and posts in mills located all over this great country to suit all Australian farming conditions. With over 140 years of fencing experience, delivered via the largest sales support team in Australia we not only understand our farmers, but we have been able to build relationships through generations of customers. Waratah understands that by providing the best fencing solutions and knowledge, not only will our customers get a fence that lasts, but with the added security and support there is hope for the future and their business.
Waratah invites you to read our customer stories and see what Waratah could mean for you .
Read Stories
The strength of new fencing technology has boosted the productivity of Victorian cattle producer Ken O’Brien’s property near Barham, preventing hundreds of kangaroos from destroying his 32 hectares of irrigated clover and rye grass.
Mr O’Brien said “It wasn’t unusual to see 300-400 kangaroos in a night, and they would strip my valuable irrigated pasture bare. Even if there was remaining pasture, the cattle still wouldn’t eat it as there would be kangaroo faeces and urine stains all through the grass.” Ken needed a stronger barrier to exclude the kangaroos and contain the cattle...
Duncan Campbell is a 7th generation farmer, he and his family have occupied Inverleigh for a total 121 years. The main fencing, that was being utilised on the farm was treated pine posts. These posts have created various problems and limited the amount of stock within his paddocks.
Duncan Identified that he was unable to utilise valuable land close to a river system, as the risk of his livestock destroying this system, and encountering pests especially during lambing season were far too great when using a Timber Post system. Duncan needed some advice for a better fencing solution...
Duncan's Story
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Well designed & built fences and trellises will not only deliver improved productivity but also better outcomes, regardless of the industry you operate in.
Waratah® distribute its premium range of fencing products through reputable distributors.
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Protect your farming investment
Waratah is a proud Australian brand that has been around for over 130 years. Providing premium Australian made fencing products from posts and wire to accessories and tools. The Waratah range of products have been designed to make fencing easier, faster and more cost effective over the life of your fence.
About Waratah Fencing